Loving care when you’re not there


Paw La La is staffed by caring, dedicated, and pet-loving professionals. Where we are trained to make your furry friend’s comfort and well-being our top priority, while they are in our care.

Paw La La is a place that strives to give both animal-loving individuals and loving caretakers a place of happiness through the introduction of new family. Like all family members should be treated, we are committed to provide a clean, loving, fun, and safe environment for your pets.

Paw La La’s groomers have over 10 years experience and can groom dogs and cats of all temperaments. Our groomers specialize in high-end hand scissoring to provide a 5 star groom for each pet. We believe that patience and love will provide the most comfortable groom for your little one.

Our house is open to all who love animals and those who share our outlook in providing our furry friends with top care. We love to spoil & pamper our furry family by providing a luxurious environment and offering only the best! Check out our happy customers below!